
installing Xubuntu 10.10 into my X60s

According to pre-posted my blog entry, I'd like to try a distribution that includes XFCE desktop environment. So, I've tried to install Xubuntu 10.10, and here is a log of the procedure. I've also refered to this page.

First of all, have to download the distribution.
download Xubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) from http://www.xubuntu.org/getubuntu, chosen PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD image from a U.S mirror site.

Second, install the distribution by a CD, which is burned of that install CD image.

Finally, I'd had to do trivial setups for Japanese language.
1.  Xfce4manager -> Keyboard -> Layout Tab. Added "jp" to the Keyboard layout list, then activated this one.
2. Chose "Generic 105-Key" from the Keyboard model list. *** don't know why no "106-key" choice.
3. Chose "Anthy" as the Japanese Input method. *** BTW, the changing language way is "control+space" or "alt+hanakaku/zenkaku". it's hard to use, isn't it?

This is the Xubuntu 10.10 deskop. It's an ordinary one, I can use it without being lost.

Here is the Xubuntu 10.10 default browser Firefox with Speed-Dial extention.

Hmm, this installation is not hard work, but quite easy, i think. If I wanna learn a lot, I have got to do more difficult one. What should I do next?

I've found one problem. Maybe this distribution does not support X60s suspend correctly. In more detail, I closed this laptop, then the the icon indicating the machine is in suspended mode is activated, but the whole power had been consumed even the laptop kept being closed! there were any wrong settings?

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